Battenberg Lavender Bouquets


A dried lavender bouquet, exquisitely presented.

Send flowers to brighten a loved one’s day, week, month, and year! Dried lavender has exceptional lasting power and the care with which we harvest our plants ensures that the integrity of fragrance is preserved for many months.Enveloped in crisp linen Battenberg lace and accented with a lavender bow, our dried provence lavender makes a relaxing and lovely statement which is in harmony with any home decor.

*Shipping rates may vary after the sale depending on quantity

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*Our all natural lavender is grown without chemicals or pesticides, so you can feel safe and happy about using any of our lavender products in your home. Our lavender is hand cut and dried to ensure optimum long-lasting fragrance. We never add fragrance oils – with such a premium quality of lavender, we don’t need to!

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